Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Morning thoughts

Today is election day. I am concerned. Proposition 102 is one of the most important things to me in the election. It is a constitutional amendment that declares that marriage is defined as one woman and one man. If it fails to pass, it could have severe and far-reaching effects on marriage, family, and religion. We have a female homosexual couple in our neighborhood who got up very early a few mornings these past few weeks and pulled up and destroyed all the “Yes on 102” signs. David and Jim Arrington got very annoyed and have been diligent at putting up two signs or bigger signs every time they pull one out. This is what the voters will see when they go down our street to vote at the school. (Like those signs are going to influence them much.)

Almost every morning I get up and go walking at the track at Mesa High. I have a little more freedom as to when I go, now that it isn't too hot to walk at 8:00am. I kind of like my morning time alone. I talk to my Heavenly Father and try to give all my worries to him. Sometimes they irrigate and then it smells like dead fish for a few days. Most of the time I am alone because people usually walk earlier before school starts. Good old Mesa High rubberized track. It's much better for my knees.


Anna said...

Good for you! On all things! (for putting up signs time and again and for going walking and for being you..)
I like how many pictures you've taken.

You are a VERY good blogger!

Leslie said...

I'm loving the new blogging you! It has been SO long since I was walking for exercise. I miss it, especially after you reminding me how good it is for thinking.

Bex Aynn said...

I sure do enjoy your photos on this page, as well as your thoughts.